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$USD 350
$USD 175 (Member Only )
Course Objectives:
This is a course designed especially for liquid filter product evaluation and industrial standard test methods, an introductory course on liquid filtration testing, testing methods and standards, and equipment or instruments used. The course will cover filter test techniques and standards for water, fuel, lube oil, and hydraulic fluids.. In addition, particle characteristics, efficiency methods and ratings will also be reviewed.
1. Fundamental of Liquid Filter Testing
2. Particle Characteristics and Fuel Filter Rating
3. Liquid Filter Testing and Standards
4. New Developments in Fuel testing
5. Opportunities and Trends (Panel Discussion)
Instructor Biography

Dr. Swarna Agarwal
Dr. Swarna Agarwal is Senior Material Scientist at PTI Technologies. At PTI she is responsible for all the liquid, air and fuel cell filter product development for aviation industry. Prior to this, she was Engineering Manager for filtration media R&D at Parker Hannifin, Engine and Mobile Original Equipment Division, USA. At Parker she was responsible for R&D for diesel fuel, hydraulic nand H2 fuel-cell filters. While working at Parker she has developed more than 50 new products and improved the R&D technology and capabilities to an advanced level. Prior to Parker, she worked as a filtration scientist at UCLA, Water Planet Inc. Los Angeles and ITV Denkendorf Germany. She has over 18 years of academic and industrial experience in new product development for various filtration applications, nonwovens manufacturing, nanotechnology and surface functionalization. She is an expert for coalescence through porous media, emulsion formation, characterization and separation, interfacial and wetting science, bio-inspired textiles, medical textiles, and project management She received the AFS Senior Scientist Award in 2018, Parker Inventor appreciation Award 2021, WFI product of the Year Award 2021. She has over 30 publications, one book and 3 patents. Dr. Agarwal received her PhD from University of Stuttgart, Germany.

Dr. ing Nicolas PETILLON
Dr. ing Nicolas PETILLON is the CTO of IFTS (Institut de la Filtration et des Techniques Séparatives) in France. He has over 25 years of experience in liquid filtration testing and over 10 years of experience in cleanliness expertise. He serves as Convenor and expert at ISO committee, such as ISO TC 70/SC7; ISO TC 22/SC34; ISO TC 131/SC6. He worked as as an assistant professor at the University of CAEN and a research engineer at SOGEFI FILTRATION in the past. He gratuated from Chemical engineering, ENSIC – Université de Lorraine (1991) and received his Ph.D. in 1996, Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine, France.

Dr.-Ing. Thomas Peters
Dr.-Ing. Thomas Peters is an internationally renowned expert in membrane technology and environmental engineering. He has over 40 years of experience in the field of pressure-driven membrane processes for the treatment of water, process fluids, and wastewater. Related pioneering work was focused between others on the use of reverse osmosis for desalination of seawater, for the purification of landfill leachate and water reuse in different areas. He earned his Ph.D. in 1980 at the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg on the subject "Production of drinking water from seawater with reverse osmosis“. After leading management functions in a middle-sized and multinational company, he has been a high-level independent technology consultant since 1986, authored more than 100 publications and more than 50 oral presentations. He is co-editor of a landfill compendium. He received the Stanley Gray Award - Marine Technology 2000/2001 of the IMarEST, London, and the ATCP Award 2007, Concepción, Chile.
Liquid Filter Testing and Evaluation
June 6, 2023,Tuesday
8:00am-10:00am, ET Canada & US
$USD 350
$USD 175 (Member Only )
Course Objectives:
This is a course designed especially for liquid filter product evaluation and industrial standard test methods, an introductory course on liquid filtration testing, testing methods and standards, and equipment or instruments used. The course will cover filter test techniques and standards for water, fuel, lube oil, and hydraulic fluids.. In addition, particle characteristics, efficiency methods and ratings will also be reviewed.
Course Outline:
1. Fundamental of Liquid Filter Testing
2. Particle Characteristics and Fuel Filter Rating
3. Liquid Filter Testing and Standards
4. New Developments in Fuel testing
5. Opportunities and Trends (Panel Discussion)
Instructor Biography

Dr. Swarna Agarwal
Dr. Swarna Agarwal is Senior Material Scientist at PTI Technologies. At PTI she is responsible for all the liquid, air and fuel cell filter product development for aviation industry. Prior to this, she was Engineering Manager for filtration media R&D at Parker Hannifin, Engine and Mobile Original Equipment Division, USA. At Parker she was responsible for R&D for diesel fuel, hydraulic nand H2 fuel-cell filters. While working at Parker she has developed more than 50 new products and improved the R&D technology and capabilities to an advanced level. Prior to Parker, she worked as a filtration scientist at UCLA, Water Planet Inc. Los Angeles and ITV Denkendorf Germany. She has over 18 years of academic and industrial experience in new product development for various filtration applications, nonwovens manufacturing, nanotechnology and surface functionalization. She is an expert for coalescence through porous media, emulsion formation, characterization and separation, interfacial and wetting science, bio-inspired textiles, medical textiles, and project management She received the AFS Senior Scientist Award in 2018, Parker Inventor appreciation Award 2021, WFI product of the Year Award 2021. She has over 30 publications, one book and 3 patents. Dr. Agarwal received her PhD from University of Stuttgart, Germany.

Dr. ing Nicolas PETILLON
Dr. ing Nicolas PETILLON is the CTO of IFTS (Institut de la Filtration et des Techniques Séparatives) in France. He has over 25 years of experience in liquid filtration testing and over 10 years of experience in cleanliness expertise. He serves as Convenor and expert at ISO committee, such as ISO TC 70/SC7; ISO TC 22/SC34; ISO TC 131/SC6. He worked as as an assistant professor at the University of CAEN and a research engineer at SOGEFI FILTRATION in the past. He gratuated from Chemical engineering, ENSIC – Université de Lorraine (1991) and received his Ph.D. in 1996, Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine, France.

Dr.-Ing. Thomas Peters
Dr.-Ing. Thomas Peters is an internationally renowned expert in membrane technology and environmental engineering. He has over 40 years of experience in the field of pressure-driven membrane processes for the treatment of water, process fluids, and wastewater. Related pioneering work was focused between others on the use of reverse osmosis for desalination of seawater, for the purification of landfill leachate and water reuse in different areas. He earned his Ph.D. in 1980 at the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg on the subject "Production of drinking water from seawater with reverse osmosis“. After leading management functions in a middle-sized and multinational company, he has been a high-level independent technology consultant since 1986, authored more than 100 publications and more than 50 oral presentations. He is co-editor of a landfill compendium. He received the Stanley Gray Award - Marine Technology 2000/2001 of the IMarEST, London, and the ATCP Award 2007, Concepción, Chile.
Mr. Al Vatine, President, LMS Technologies, USA
Mr. Vatine is a globally well-recognized expert in various air and liquid filter testing and evaluation. He studied biology at Macalester College and graduated in Pathology at the University of Minnesota, USA. He started LMS Technologies in 1996 in response to the increasing demand from the industry for filter measurement. Al has over 35 years of experience in comprehensive filtration testing, test equipment design, research and development. The company is establishing the core facility for fiberization, filtration, nozzle design, and filtration research and development. They have successfully designed the largest test system with a capacity of 25,000 CFM and built-in back pulse, rain, sand storm, ice pulse removal, 99% humidity, and saltwater migration testing capability. This system provides realistic test data for gas turbines and large engine intake filters used in the aerospace and defense industry.
Dr. Vincent Hu, Chief of Advanced Filtration Center (AFC), Taiwan Textile Research Institute (TTRI, Taiwan)
Dr. Hu has over 20 years experience in filter testing and evaluation for varous air and liquid applications, such as HVAC, Gas turbine, Fuel,hydraulic, lube oil, turbility, particle and pore size distribution, etc. He is the head of Adanced Filtration Center, an accredited filter test lab with comprehensive testing capacities at the Taiwan Textile Research Institute (TTRI) located in in Taipei, Taiwan. He is also experienced in building quality control capabilities to monitor filter production processes. Dr. Hu serves as the Executive Director of the Taiwan Filtration and Separation Society (TFS), Director of Taiwan Cleaning Technology Association, and WFI Advisory Board Member.
Dr. Wu Chen, R&D Fellow at Dow USA
Dr. Chen has over 30 years of industrial experience in all areas of solid/liquid separation and air/gas filtration. His experiences include laboratory filtration evaluation, pilot study, full scale installation, startup, production scale operation and trouble shooting. He also has expertise in project management, process design, and plant startup. Dr. Chen is very active in the filtration industry and has been the plenary and keynote speakers in major conferences, served as the chair of the American Filtration and Separation Society (AFS), AFS board of directors, conference chairs, and various committee members. His was awarded AFS Frank Tiller Award for outstanding technical achievements, AFS Well Shoemaker Award for leadership and service to the filtration industry and Fellow Member Award for sustained significant contributions to filtration technologies and filtration industry.
Dr. Miao Li, Research Engineer
Miao has worked with Atmus (former Cummins Filtration) since 2010, he has permuted technical functions of Analysis-Led-Design & Diagnostics of products, and Test & Evaluation for Air, Fuel/Liquid Filtrations. He specialized in Combustion, CFD, Data Acquisition, and Aerosol Science, and also touched on the fundamentals of nanofibers, Control/Automation, and numerous engineering areas. As Atmus became an independent operator and potential player in non-diesel areas, Miao has been exploring opportunities such as Wastewater treatment, Industrial filtrations, their business models, and long-term impact on Atmus. Miao has been granted six patents and made three technical speeches to Waterloo Filtration Institute and American Filtration and Separation Society. Miao received his Ph.D. from Iowa State University in 2011.