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$USD 350
$USD 175 (Member Only )
Course Objectives:
The objective of this course is to provide the audience with the latest update on facemask market analysis and a depth understanding of the technologies used to make facemasks, especially meltblown electrostatic changing technologies, as a primary process used for making core protective filtration layers. We will also discuss new updates on test methods, certification standards, nanofiber technologies and other new developments, challenges, opportunities, and trends.
1. Introduction to Facemasks (Christine Sun)
General facemasks and types of use
Filtration principle of facemasks
2. Updated Market Analysis (Bob Mcilvaine)
Market Variables
Market Forecast
3. Meltblown Processes and Electrostatic Charging Technologies (Peter Tsai)
Meltblowing process parameters and fabric properties
Electrostatic charging technologies and charge durability
Unique MB characteristics for masks to protect against SARS-CoV-2
4. Nanofiber Technologies in Facemask Applications (Christine Sun)
Methods to produce nanofibers
Nanofiber facemasks vs. meltblown electret PP facemasks
Value proposition
5. Face Mask Performance Requirements and Testing Industry Trends (Sarah Smit)
Overview of face mask products and test methods
Overview of ASTM F2100 test methods and performance requirements
ASTM F2100 current and future work and other face mask industry trends
6. New Developments, Opportunities and Trends (Mehdi Shirmohamadi, Iyad Al-Attar and All)
Instructor Biography

Dr. Peter Tsai
Dr. Tsai. Professor of the Univerity of Tennessee, has over 40 years of expertise in development of meltblowing (MB) system and the electrostatic charging (EC) of materials for making air filter electrets. The MB and the EC technologies developed Dr. Tsai have been used in the industries worldwide making billion pieces of N95 of face masks, and many other applications in air filtration. He receives three most prestigious awards from the University of Tennessee (UT) in recognition of his contribution in technology innovation and transfer. Dr. Tsai is entitled by AFS as a Fellow Member, famous for his invention of electret meltblown technologies for N95 facemask and air filtration applications.

Christine Sun, PhD
Dr. Christine Sun, President of Waterloo Filtration Institute, is a renowned technical and market expert in the global filtration industry. With over 30 years of experience in both academia and the industry, she has an in-depth knowledge of filtration, and extensive hands-on expertise in product development, with over 100 technical publications and patents. She is also actively involved in many air/liquid filter standard test developments.
Dr. Sun received her Ph.D. from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, and her Executive Certificate from Northwestern University - Kellogg School of Management. From 2004 to 2011, Dr. Sun worked for Freudenberg Filtration Technologies as the R&D manager and Technology Director for Donaldson 2011-2013. She was the AFS Chair from 2016 to 2017 and received the AFS Fellow Award in 2019, Sr. Scientist Award in 2012, and the best paper award from INDA in 2008. She is also an editorial board member for Textile Research Journal and Journal of Industrial Textiles.

Sarah Smit, B.S, CQPA (ASQ)
Mrs. Sarah Smit, UT, USA, has been employed at Nelson Laboratories for over 12 years and is the Laboratory Operations Director in the Protective Barriers department of the company. As sub-chair of the F23.40 ASTM biological committee, which oversees the standards for medical face masks and gowns, she helps lead standard development for testing medical protective clothing. She received a BS in biology from the University of Utah.
Panel Speakers
Mr. Bob Mcilvaine is the President of the Mcilvaine Company which he founded in 1974. Filtration has been their major focus from the beginning. Bob is a globally well-recognized market expert for the filtration industry. Over decades, he has led the company to provide market research and technical evaluations on liquid and air filtration technologies. He has been actively involved in various filtration applications and keeps updated with the latest developments. In the recent years, a great deal of effort has been devoted to the HVAC filters and face masks to support public safety, clean and health environments.
Dr. Mehdi Shirmohammadi is the R&D manager of Termeh Mask Co., a key face mask manufacturer in Turkey and Iran. He has more than 20 years of experience (academic and industrial) in air filtration systems and respiratory masks. Mehdi is a recognized expert in textile fibers, high-efficiency filter media, and antibacterial adsorbents, involved in co-leading standard development committees at the ISIRI in writing standards for respiratory masks. During his air purification research, he worked through the chain of air cleaning processes from polymers, textile fibers, filter media, filter elements, filtration systems, testing instruments, and standardization. He has been focused on antimicrobial adsorber filter media since 2010 and has some patents and publications. Mehdi received his Ph.D. in Textile (chemistry and fibers sciences) from IAU, Iran. He is a Certified Filtration and Separation Specialist (CFSS) for air filtration, awarded as WFI’s Student of the Year in 2022.
Dr. Iyad Al-Attar, WFI Strategic Director, Visiting Academia Fellow, Cranfield University, UK.
Dr. Al-Attar is a mechanical engineer and an independent air filtration consultant. He is also a Visiting Academic Fellow in the School of Aerospace, Transport, and Manufacturing at Cranfield University, consulting for air quality and filter performance relevant to land-based gas turbines. Dr. Al-Attar is the strategic director, instructor, and advisory board member of the Waterloo Filtration Institute. In 2020, EUROVENT Middle East appointed Dr. Al-Attar as the first associated consultant for air filtration affairs. Dr. Al-Attar received his engineering degrees (BSc, MSc, Ph.D.) from the University of Toronto (Canada), Kuwait University, and Loughborough University (UK), respectively.
Dr. Al-Attar’s area of expertise focuses on designing and performing high-efficiency filters for HVAC and land-based gas turbine applications, particularly on the chemical and physical characterization of airborne particles. Dr. Al-Attar is a columnist in the EUROVENT Middle East newsletter, Climate Control Middle East Magazine, ES Engineering, USA, and Caloryfrio Magazine, Spain. He has authored many articles on air quality, filter design, performance, particle characterization, and climate change, which were translated into Arabic and Spanish. Dr. Al-Attar is an editorial member/referee in the Filtration Society (UK) and the Journal of Cleaner Production.
Facemask Market and Technologies
April 11, 2023, Tuesday
8:00am-10:00am, ET Canada & US
$USD 350
$USD 175 (Member Only )
Course Objectives:
The objective of this course is to provide the audience with the latest update on facemask market analysis and a depth understanding of the technologies used to make facemasks, especially meltblown electrostatic changing technologies, as a primary process used for making core protective filtration layers. We will also discuss new updates on test methods, certification standards, nanofiber technologies and other new developments, challenges, opportunities, and trends.
Course Outline:
1. Introduction to Facemasks (Christine Sun)
General facemasks and types of use
Filtration principle of facemasks
2. Updated Market Analysis (Bob Mcilvaine)
Market Variables
Market Forecast
3. Meltblown Processes and Electrostatic Charging Technologies (Peter Tsai)
Meltblowing process parameters and fabric properties
Electrostatic charging technologies and charge durability
Unique MB characteristics for masks to protect against SARS-CoV-2
4. Nanofiber Technologies in Facemask Applications (Christine Sun)
Methods to produce nanofibers
Nanofiber facemasks vs. meltblown electret PP facemasks
Value proposition
5. Face Mask Performance Requirements and Testing Industry Trends (Sarah Smit)
Overview of face mask products and test methods
Overview of ASTM F2100 test methods and performance requirements
ASTM F2100 current and future work and other face mask industry trends
6. New Developments, Opportunities and Trends (Mehdi Shirmohamadi, Iyad Al-Attar and All)
Instructor Biography

Dr. Peter Tsai
Dr. Tsai. Professor of the Univerity of Tennessee, has over 40 years of expertise in development of meltblowing (MB) system and the electrostatic charging (EC) of materials for making air filter electrets. The MB and the EC technologies developed Dr. Tsai have been used in the industries worldwide making billion pieces of N95 of face masks, and many other applications in air filtration. He receives three most prestigious awards from the University of Tennessee (UT) in recognition of his contribution in technology innovation and transfer. Dr. Tsai is entitled by AFS as a Fellow Member, famous for his invention of electret meltblown technologies for N95 facemask and air filtration applications.

Christine Sun, PhD
Dr. Christine Sun, President of Waterloo Filtration Institute, is a renowned technical and market expert in the global filtration industry. With over 30 years of experience in both academia and the industry, she has an in-depth knowledge of filtration, and extensive hands-on expertise in product development, with over 100 technical publications and patents. She is also actively involved in many air/liquid filter standard test developments.
Dr. Sun received her Ph.D. from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, and her Executive Certificate from Northwestern University - Kellogg School of Management. From 2004 to 2011, Dr. Sun worked for Freudenberg Filtration Technologies as the R&D manager and Technology Director for Donaldson 2011-2013. She was the AFS Chair from 2016 to 2017 and received the AFS Fellow Award in 2019, Sr. Scientist Award in 2012, and the best paper award from INDA in 2008. She is also an editorial board member for Textile Research Journal and Journal of Industrial Textiles.

Sarah Smit, B.S, CQPA (ASQ)
Mrs. Sarah Smit, UT, USA, has been employed at Nelson Laboratories for over 12 years and is the Laboratory Operations Director in the Protective Barriers department of the company. As sub-chair of the F23.40 ASTM biological committee, which oversees the standards for medical face masks and gowns, she helps lead standard development for testing medical protective clothing. She received a BS in biology from the University of Utah.
Panel Speakers
Mr. Bob Mcilvaine is the President of the Mcilvaine Company which he founded in 1974. Filtration has been their major focus from the beginning. Bob is a globally well-recognized market expert for the filtration industry. Over decades, he has led the company to provide market research and technical evaluations on liquid and air filtration technologies. He has been actively involved in various filtration applications and keeps updated with the latest developments. In the recent years, a great deal of effort has been devoted to the HVAC filters and face masks to support public safety, clean and health environments.
Dr. Mehdi Shirmohammadi is the R&D manager of Termeh Mask Co., a key face mask manufacturer in Turkey and Iran. He has more than 20 years of experience (academic and industrial) in air filtration systems and respiratory masks. Mehdi is a recognized expert in textile fibers, high-efficiency filter media, and antibacterial adsorbents, involved in co-leading standard development committees at the ISIRI in writing standards for respiratory masks. During his air purification research, he worked through the chain of air cleaning processes from polymers, textile fibers, filter media, filter elements, filtration systems, testing instruments, and standardization. He has been focused on antimicrobial adsorber filter media since 2010 and has some patents and publications. Mehdi received his Ph.D. in Textile (chemistry and fibers sciences) from IAU, Iran. He is a Certified Filtration and Separation Specialist (CFSS) for air filtration, awarded as WFI’s Student of the Year in 2022.
Dr. Iyad Al-Attar, WFI Strategic Director, Visiting Academia Fellow, Cranfield University, UK.
Dr. Al-Attar is a mechanical engineer and an independent air filtration consultant. He is also a Visiting Academic Fellow in the School of Aerospace, Transport, and Manufacturing at Cranfield University, consulting for air quality and filter performance relevant to land-based gas turbines. Dr. Al-Attar is the strategic director, instructor, and advisory board member of the Waterloo Filtration Institute. In 2020, EUROVENT Middle East appointed Dr. Al-Attar as the first associated consultant for air filtration affairs. Dr. Al-Attar received his engineering degrees (BSc, MSc, Ph.D.) from the University of Toronto (Canada), Kuwait University, and Loughborough University (UK), respectively.
Dr. Al-Attar’s area of expertise focuses on designing and performing high-efficiency filters for HVAC and land-based gas turbine applications, particularly on the chemical and physical characterization of airborne particles. Dr. Al-Attar is a columnist in the EUROVENT Middle East newsletter, Climate Control Middle East Magazine, ES Engineering, USA, and Caloryfrio Magazine, Spain. He has authored many articles on air quality, filter design, performance, particle characterization, and climate change, which were translated into Arabic and Spanish. Dr. Al-Attar is an editorial member/referee in the Filtration Society (UK) and the Journal of Cleaner Production.