New Release: Fuel, Hydraulic, Lube & Oil Filtration Market and Technologies

The Waterloo Filtration Institute is pleased to deliver another informative, professional training course this morning: Fuel, Hydraulic, Lube & Oil Filtration, October 11, 2022, Tuesday, 8:00 -10:00 am EDT.
Dr. Christine Sun (WFI) led the instruction first with an overall of the related markets, technologies, and applications. Dr. Christophe Lefaux (Hollingsworth & Vose) addressed industrial mega-trends in the hydraulic and fuel filtration markets. Mr. Claudio Crosasso (Ahlstrom-Munksjö) discussed the future trends of filter media used in hydraulic/fuel/lube/oil filtration. Dr. Swarna Agarwal (Parker Hannifin Corporation) shared her view on the new requirements and opportunities for the fuel cell market, and Dr. Eric Saari (Filtran, Filtration Group) addressed new challenges and opportunities associated with transmission oil filtration. The panel discussed at the end how increasing electric vehicles (EVs) would impact the engine fuel/lube/oil filter sales and the global filtration market.
The course was moderated by Mr. Mitch McCreary (WFI). We thank all our distinguished panelists for their excellent presentations and panel discussion.
If you missed this live course, the course video recording is now available on-demand here at your convenience.
Our next course will be Filtration and Separation in Water Treatment by Dr.-Ing. Thomas Peters, Director of Dr.-Ing. Peters Consulting (Germany), Nov 1, 2022, Tuesday, 8:00am-10:00am, ET Canada & US.
