Advanced Nanofiber Filter Design
Want to learn how to produce nanofibers and design your advanced nanofiber filters? Join Dr. Christine Sun (President of WFI) and Dr. Jayesh Doshi (President of eSpin) in our next unique and informative course Nanofibers in Filtration, Tuesday, August 9, 2022, 8:00-10:00 am, EDT.
Course Outline:
1. Introduction and Review 1.1 What are nanofibers
1.2 Why Nanofibers
1.3 Nanofiber applications in filtration
2. Methods to produce nanofibers 2.1 Electrospinning
2.2 Meltblowing
2.3 Forcespinning
2.4 Electroblown
2.5 Fiber splitting
2.6 Solution blowing
2.7 Fibrillation
2.8 Shear spinning
3. Nanofiber Filter Media Structure 3.1 On the top
3.2 Mixed blend
3.3 Sandwiched
3.4 Laminated
3.5 Gradient depth structure
3.6Nanofiber/particle composite
4. Design Different Nanofiber Filters 4.1 Industrial dust removal
4.2 Applications in Transportation
4.3 Gas turbine air intake
4.4 New nanofiber facemasks for PPE
4.5 Others
5. Unmet Needs and Future Trends
Nominate 2022 Product of the Year
The award aims to promote product development in the filtration and separation industry for a clean, healthy, and sustainable world. It will be announced at WFI 2022 Virtual Annual Conference. All members of the global filtration industry are eligible, and companies may nominate their own products. Submit your nomination here.