Clean Air Strategies for Public Health
WFI Education Webinar
February 22, 2022, 8:00 -10:00 am EST
This education webinar aims to provide you with the latest developments in clean air strategies for public health. Our distinguished speakers and panel experts will answer your questions live online. Chris Muller, Director IEQ Technical Services of AAF Flanders, ASHRAE Distinguished Lecturer, will address Air filtration technologies for clean indoor & outdoor air and what the requirements are for IAQ control and healthy buildings. It will cover ambient air quality, current and developing enhanced air cleaning technologies, and methods being used to evaluate the effectiveness of these various technologies. Tyler Smith, Vice President – Healthy Buildings, Johnson Controls, will address the multiple value propositions of smart buildings and how technology can be leveraged to ensure IAQ, wellness, and decarbonization are an “and” proposition, not an “or” proposition. John Zhang, a Lead Specialist of 3M, will present a recent study on indoor airborne particle control by HVAC filters and room air purifiers to help us understand the relationship between filter efficiency and CADR (clean air delivery rate) and reduction of the PM (particulate matter) concentration in a house. Kathleen Owen, ASHRAE Fellow and member of the ASHRAE ETF, past Chair of ASHRAE 52.2 and SSPC 145, will update current ASHRAE ETF recommendations for filtration/air cleaning and on options that can be implemented quickly.
8:00 – 8:05 am Welcome Introduction (Christine Sun, WFI)
8:05 – 8:25 am Filtration Technologies for Clean Indoor & Outdoor Air: What are the Requirements for IAQ and Health, Chris Muller, ASHRAE Distinguished Lecturer
8:25 – 8:45 am Leveraging technology to achieve IAQ, wellness, and decarbonization goals, Tyler Smith, Johnson Controls
8:45 – 9:05 am Indoor Airborne Particle Control by HVAC Filters and Room Air Purifiers, John Zhang, 3M
9:05 – 9:25 am Cleaning Air to Reduce Covid19 Exposure, Kathleen Owen, ASHRAE Fellow
9:25 – 10:00 am Q&A and Panel Discussion, all speakers above and panel experts, Paolo Tronville, Politecnico di Torino (Italy); Jim Rosenthal, Tex-Air Filters; Marwa Zaatari, D ZINE Partners; R. Vijayakumar, AERFIL; Ellie Amirnasr, qlair.

Chris Muller, ASHRAE Distinguished Lecturer
Chris Muller, Director IEQ Technical Services of AAF Flanders, is recognized globally as an expert in environmental air quality, gas-phase air filtration technology, and enhanced air cleaning systems with 30+ years of application knowledge and development and technical expertise in these fields. He is also an ASHRAE Distinguished Lecturer and has been a driving force on multiple industry association and technical committees, improving awareness and standards in the industry, especially in the field of gas-phase air filtration and indoor environmental air quality.

Tyler Smith, Johnson Controls
Tyler Smith is Vice President, Healthy Buildings at Johnson Controls. Tyler has spent over 16 years with Johnson Controls in roles focused on leveraging building management systems and HVAC equipment to drive important outcomes such as improvements in energy efficiency and indoor air quality. From 2018 to 2020, Tyler led Johnson Controls’ Critical Environments business unit, designing and manufacturing systems for critical spaces such as hospitals and laboratories. Since late 2020, Tyler has led Johnson Controls’ Healthy Buildings initiative focusing on helping customers leverage productivity and financial outcomes associated with operating healthier buildings.

John Zhang, 3M Company
Dr. Zhang has over 30 years of experience in air filtration and particle technology. He has conducted extensive research in aerosol science, filtration media, filtration systems, instrumentation for filter testing, and particle measurement. Currently, he is a Lead Specialist in 3M Company, responsible for developing innovative filtration technologies for residential air filtration products. Prior to joining 3M in 1992, he served as a research scientist for Thermal System Inc, where he was involved in developing filter testing equipment and aerosol measurement instrumentation. Dr. Zhang has published more than 50 technical papers on particle technology and the filtration field.

Kathleen Owen, ASHRAE Fellow
Kathleen Owen, ASHRAE Fellow and member of the ASHRAE ETF, is the past Chair of ASHRAE 52.2 (the MERV test) and SSPC 145 for gas-phase air cleaner testing. She was the research chair for TC2.3 gaseous contaminants for 10 yr. She is a member of the ETF Filtration and Disinfection team, providing expertise on filtration and the use of air cleaners in various buildings. She is also the vice-chair of tg2.rast, the newly formed reactive air and surface treatment committee. With 35 years of particulate, gas-phase, and bioaerosol air cleaner testing, test method development, and related IAQ research, Kathleen is now a consulting engineer for Owen Air Filtration Consulting.

Paolo Tronville, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Dr. Tronville is an Associate Professor at Politecnico di Torino, Italy. He has been involved for 25+ years in applying computational fluid dynamics to air filter design and in the development of test methods for air filter elements. He was the Chairman of International Standards Organization Technical Committee 142 “Cleaning equipment for air and other gases” from 2005 to 2016. He has been the Chairman of CEN/TC195, “Air filters for general air cleaning” since 2006, and is an expert in several standardization working groups. He is an ASHRAE Fellow, Distinguished Lecturer, and the Research Administration Committee, member.

Ellie Amirnasr, qlair
Dr. Amirnasr Amirnasr is a fiber and polymer scientist with more than 10 years of experience in filtration technologies and clean air solutions. She started her career at MANN+HUMMEL as an innovation project manager in 2013 to work on future products in the filtration industry. In 2028 she co-founded qlair. At qlair, she is dedicated to helping facility management professionals be more efficient in their building operations and indoor environment control. In three years qlair team built a platform that offers comprehensive and unparalleled visibility into air quality and HVAC's operating conditions with real-time alerts on air quality, remaining filter life, fan capacity, and so much more.

Jim Rosenthal, Air Relief Technologies, Inc.
Jim Rosenthal is the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Air Relief Technologies, Inc., the parent company of Tex-Air Filters. He has over 20 years of experience in the air filtration and environmental control industries and has been active in the National Air Filtration Association (NAFA) – serving as its President in 2009-2010. He is a Certified Air Filter Specialist (CAFS) by NAFA. He was also President of the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America – Texas Chapter from 1998 to 2013. He recently received the Innovative Idea of the Year 2021 from Waterloo Filtration Institute to create the Corsi/Rosenthal Box (DIY), an excellent example of how a simple idea using air filters can help provide safer and cleaner indoor environments.

R. Vijayakumar, AERFIL
Dr. Vijayakumar is a globally recognized expert in contamination control and air filtration. He is the founder and head of AERFIL. In addition to being a Distinguished Visiting Professor at the Chinese Academy of Building Research, he has been on the faculty of the short course on air and gas filtration at the University of Minnesota since its inception and one of the founding faculty for ASHRAE’s Cleanroom Certification Program. He is a Fellow and was a Distinguished Lecturer of ASHRAE. He is a Fellow and past President of the IEST, the premiere contamination control organization in the US. Currently, he chairs standards development committees at the ISO and in the US, writing standards for high-efficiency filtration and filter media used in cleanrooms, hospitals, and indoor environments.

Marwa Zaatari, D ZINE Partners
Dr. Zaatari is Chief Science Officer at D ZINE Partners and co-Chair of enVerid Systems Advisory Board. She leads the research and development of “Air as a Service” around heat exchanger coils, ventilation, filtration, and IAQ measurements. Her work advances building science methods in assessing performance-based procedures to design and operate buildings to optimize energy and people efficiency. Dr. Zaatari is an ASHRAE Distinguished Lecturer and a member of ASHRAE Epidemic task force, Chair for TRG4 Indoor Air Quality Procedure, Vice-Chair of MTG.HWBE Health and Wellness in the built environment, Chair of TC2.3 gaseous removal contaminants, and an active member of other committees.
Reserve Your Seat Now (max. 120 free seats are available for participating in this live webinar and interacting with the globally leading experts with questions and discussions. Video recordings and handouts are available on-demand after the event).