Filtration and Separation in Water Treatment, Nov. 1
Join Dr. Thomas Peters (Germany), an internationally renowned expert in membrane technology and environmental engineering, for our next course Filtration and Separation in Water Treatment, November 1, 2022, Tuesday, 8:00 am-10:00 am, EDT. We are honored to have Dr. Allan Tung, a Distinguished Professor from National Taiwan University and a Fellow of The International Water Association (IWA) join us in the panel to help address your live questions, new opportunities, and trends.
Course Outline
1. General aspects of water treatment with membrane technology
2. Technological fundamentals of the pressure-driven membrane processes microfiltration (MF), ultrafiltration (UF), nanofiltration (NF) and reverse osmosis (RO)
3. Membranes as well-defined barriers
4. Strategies in water management and application examples for membrane processes in selected areas of water treatment
4.1 Production
4.2 Reuse
4.3 Protection
5. Example for improving operation of membrane processes
6. Future developments
7. New opportunities and trends (panel discussion)
Dr. Thomas Peters has over 40 years of experience in the field of pressure-driven membrane processes for the treatment of water, process fluids, and wastewater. Related pioneering work was focused between others on the use of reverse osmosis for desalination of seawater, for the purification of landfill leachate and water reuse in different areas. He earned his Ph.D. in 1980 at the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg on the subject "Production of drinking water from seawater with reverse osmosis“. After leading management functions in a middle-sized and multinational company, he has been a high-level independent technology consultant since 1986, authored more than 100 publications and more than 50 oral presentations. He is co-editor of a landfill compendium. He received the Stanley Gray Award - Marine Technology 2000/2001 of the IMarEST, London, and the ATCP Award 2007, Concepción, Chile.
Dr. Kuo-Lun (Allan) Tung is a Distinguished Professor of the Department of Chemical Engineering at the National Taiwan University (NTU) in Taipei, Taiwan. He received his B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in 1991, 1994, and 1998, respectively, from the NTU, all in chemical engineering. Before joining NTU in August 2012, he was the Director of the R&D Centre for Membrane Technology at Chung Yuan University from 2009 to 2012, with a specialty in research and development on membrane filtration applications for water and wastewater treatment for 20 years. He is now serving as the editor of the Separation and Purification Technology journal and the vice-chair of the membrane technology specialist group in the International Water Association (IWA). He has also been a fellow of IWA since 2019.
WFI Filtration Program
WFI is dedicated to supporting the growth of the global filtration industry and advancing the science and technologies of filtration and separation processes for a clean, healthy, and sustainable world.

Do you want to advance your career or find a new job in the fast-growing filtration industry? If so, you will find this program is perfect for you.
With a joint effort of over 50 leading world filtration experts, we are proud to support the global filtration industry with the most comprehensive, efficient (time-saving), practical, informative, flexible, and cost-effective professional development program (CFSS, CAFSS). It covers the global filtration market, filter media market and technologies, air/liquid filtration market and technologies, air/liquid filter design, filter testing and performance evaluation, new developments, unmet needs, opportunities, and trends.
The 2022 filtration and separation specialist certification exam is scheduled on November 30, 8:00-10:00 am EST. The CFSS/CAFSS 2022 class graduation ceremony will be held at WFI 2022 Annual Conference on December 7.