Air Filtration & Facemask Update on COVID-19, July 23
Waterloo Filtration Institute will host the 3rd open educational webinar to provide the latest update of air filtration and facemasks on COVID-19, this Thursday, July 23, 9:00a-10:30a, EDT.
The webinar will further discuss air filtration and facemasks on COVID-19, including its continuous impact on global air filtration market, new updates from ASHRAE, general practices in hospitals and buildings, lessons learned from the field and latest developments of facemasks and air filtration to prevent coronavirus infection and keep people safe back to work.

Full Agenda:
• 9:00-9:10a, Air Filtration COVID-19 Response, Bob Mcilvaine, Mcilvaine company
• 9:10-9:20a, Update from ASHRAE, Kathleen Owens, ASHRAE 52.2 Chair
• 9:20-9:30a, Update from Air Filtration Practice, Sean O'Reilly, AAF/Flanders
• 9:30-9:40a, Lessons Learned from the Field, Stephen Nicholas, Air Industrial Services
• 9:40-9:50a, New Developments in Facemasks, Kari Luukkonen, Fibertex
• 9:50-10:00a, New Update of PAPRs, Eric Fu, Aimwell Australia
• 10:00-10:10a, New Developments in air filtration, Leonard Castellano, Parker
• 10:10-10:30a, Q&A will include both Speakers and Panelists including
John Zhang, 3M; Bob Burkhead, Blue Heaven Tech; Vijay R, Aerfil; Gajanan Bhat, Univ. of Georgia, Al Vatine, LMS Tech., Jim Rosenthal, Tex-Air Filters, Kevin Jameson, PureAir Filtration; Christine Sun, and Mitch McCreary of WFI.
It’s a free educational webinar. Register NOW.
Reminder: Another Liquid Filtration Course Solid Liquid Separation this Wednesday, July 22, 2020, 8:00-10:00 am, EDT by Dr. Wu Chen from Dow. It will recap what we learned in Liquid Filtration I & II and will focus on the field separation from the industrial application perspective. In addition, pretreatment which is commonly used in the industry to enhance filtration and separation performances will be discussed.
Become a Certified Filtration and Separation Specialist and take advantage of our most comprehensive educational program in Filtration and Separation to boost your knowledge and raise your professional value in the filtration marketplace.
These courses are Available on Demand with registration
Introduction to Global Filtration Market by Mr. Jay Forcucci
Nonwovens in Filtration by Dr. Gajanan Bhat
Filter Media Technologies by Dr. Christine Sun
Air Filtration I &II by Ms. Kathleen Owen, et al.
Particle/Air Separation, by Dr. Chao Tan
Gas Phase Filtration by Mr. Kevin Jameson
Air Filtration Testing and Evaluation by Mr. Bob Burkhead
Liquid Filtration I & II by Dr. Wu Chen
Face Mask Technologies I & II by Dr. Christine Sun
F & S for Industrial Processes I & II by Dr. Chao Tan